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Postgraduate Researchers and Early Career Heritage Researcher Workshop

Wednesday 4 October 2017

The AHRC Heritage Priority Area team invites you to a workshop for Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in Heritage Studies, to be held at the British Academy in London.

ECR Workshop: Events

The Workshop

ECR Workshop: Publications

Who Is This For?

We welcome PGRs and ECRs in Heritage Studies across the Arts and Humanities, including those within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Independent Research Organisations (IROs), and those working within the heritage sector itself, to join the workshop.

The Workshop Programme

The workshop will provide an opportunity to:

  • Learn more about how the AHRC supports ECRs, especially in the period immediately following the completion of a PhD

  • Share your research alongside other heritage researchers

  • Learn about new and emerging research topics and the broader context of heritage studies in the UK

  • Form new networks and partnerships between and across HEIs and the heritage sector

  • Develop collective research agendas


The workshop focuses on how to read yourself into grants, and provides insight into what research bodies are looking for when they read proposals.  It further explores strengths and benefits in practice, and gaps you feel are present in your ECR work.  

There will be keynote presentations and breakout sessions, as well as information on funding and research career planning in Heritage Studies.

We also want to use this opportunity to get to know you and to understand your needs as a distinctive part of the UK Heritage Research Community. At the workshop you will be able to discuss your own work and challenges you have faced with the AHRC Heritage Priority Area Leadership Fellow Rodney Harrison and his team, who are waiting to hear how we can work with AHRC to help support the careers of Early Career Heritage Researchers. 

Your input to the day will help shape future research support and policy in Heritage Studies in the UK.

The workshop will run from 10am to 5pm.

Immediately following the workshop, should you wish to join, we will be hosting the AHRC Heritage Priority Area Launch with a public lecture delivered by Karen Salt from 6pm.  We are also hosting a Conference, Heritage Studies: Critical Approaches and New Directions, the following day which you can apply to or register for separately. 

AHRC Heritage Priority Area Launch/Public Lecture

The event will culminate in an early evening public lecture and linked networking reception to launch the work of the AHRC Heritage Priority Area. The lecture will be delivered by Karen Salt, Co-Director of the Centre for Research in Race and Rights at the University of Nottingham.

As a scholar of race, sovereignty, power and politics, a significant portion of her work investigates how nation-states, such as Haiti and Liberia, have claimed independence, demanded political recognition and fought for their continued sovereignty within a highly racialised world. As this line of work has developed, Dr Salt has enlarged upon her interests in sovereignty and race by considering their relationship to imperial expansion and environmental consumption/protection. Reading the histories of these nations through this lens has enabled her to craft new areas of research on racial ecologies and governance. Years of considering the impact of racial and political discourses in the Atlantic world has led to a broader interest in the ways global minority communities marshal their collective power and participate in local, national and international governance structures.


Dr Salt also provides service to the wider arts, humanities and social science research communities. She is an active grant reviewer and sits as a member on the Peer Review colleges for the ESRC and AHRC where she contributes to reviewing and assessment panels. As of 1 Sept 2017, she will begin a 3-year appointment as a member of the Arts & Humanities Research Council Advisory Board.


Please Register On Our Eventbrite Page for this Event. 

How to Apply to Participate in the Workshop

The application process for this Workshop has now closed.  Please follow us on twitter @AHRCHeritage to find out about any new events.


We have a limited number of spaces for participation. To facilitate a spread of participants from across HEIs, IROs and the heritage sector, as well as different career stages, we are asking those who are interested in participating in the event to make an application which will be reviewed by the organisers prior to confirmation.

Applicants should write to Hana Morel with a 100 word synopsis of current research interests, as well as what stage of research you are in (PhD researcher/post PhD researcher and how many years post-PhD). You should also include details of your current employer or affiliation, if relevant.

We also request that you include in your application one specific challenge/obstacle/concern you are experiencing as an Early Career Researcher, so that we can organise the day to address the issues which are of direct concern to participants.

Participation in the workshop (registration, tea/coffee/lunch on both days; evening lecture and reception) will be free to successful applicants.

The deadline for applications is Friday 4 August noon.  

We will send an email to all those who have secured a place by Monday 14 August 2017, and hope we could not accommodate keep in touch for future events.

Travel and Accommodation Support

In your submission email, please indicate whether you require support for travel and/or accommodation. 

We have a modest budget to cover travel/accommodation for a limited number of UK-based participants travelling from outside London to facilitate involvement in the ECR workshop on the 4th of October and the linked conference on the 5th of October.  

Should you have access to local funding, we’d really appreciate it if you explore those options first as we will prioritise participants who do not have access to funds. 

Please contact Hana Morel, Research Associate, AHRC Heritage Priority Area, UCL Institute of Archaeology, if you have any questions regarding the event.


UCL Institute of Archaeology
Gordon Square
London WC1H0PY UK


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